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Zum Ende der Seite springen Party-Verbot an Amerikas Schulen
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diePü diePü ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 02.10.2003

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Meine Güte, die Amis machen aber auch aus jedem Pipifax nen Drama:


Turbojugend Taunus


25.10.2006 15:18 diePü ist offline E-Mail an diePü senden Beiträge von diePü suchen Nehmen Sie diePü in Ihre Freundesliste auf
navili navili ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 22.08.2006

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Der Verband will neue Richtlinien für Tanzpartys aufstellen. So soll weniger HipHop gespielt werden

Das ist mal was gutes! großes Grinsen

Andere Schüler sind weniger begeistert von der harten Linie. An der Aliso Niguel Highschool sagen jetzt viele, dass ein endgültiges Freaking-Verbot an der Schule ihnen nicht die Lust auf den Tanz nehmen würde. Sie würden einfach keine Schulpartys mehr besuchen.

Ja, sondern eigene Partys veranstalten.. Und schon ist das Problem gelöst.

"Ich würde einfach nicht mehr hingehen. Es wäre zu langweilig", sagte Chelsea Walsh, 15. "Wie sollen wir sonst tanzen?"

Das ist traurig.... pooogen!!

Wer Ironie findet, darf sie behalten.
25.10.2006 17:56 navili ist offline Beiträge von navili suchen Nehmen Sie navili in Ihre Freundesliste auf MSN Passport-Profil von navili anzeigen
North North ist männlich


Dabei seit: 11.04.2005

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Hab gerde ne Mail bekommen und wollte sie dem geneigten Leser nicht vorenthalten. Ich sag's Euch... unter der Oberfleache lauert das Grauen!

Dear Carleton Students:
Recent concerns have been brought forward by Carleton students regarding sexual assault and date rape drugs. These concerns serve as a reminder that all Carleton students need to be aware of the College's Policies Against Sexual Misconduct (http://apps.carleton.edu/campus/dos/hand...policy_id=18308) and specifically be alert for the misuse of drugs to incapacitate a person and make him or her vulnerable to sexual assault. Support Services for students are outlined in Section IV of the policy statement/handbook.

As the Policies Against Sexual Misconduct state...."Carleton College will not tolerate sexual assault or sexual violence in any form, including non-stranger rape. When sexual assault or sexual violence occurs at Carleton, the standards of the community, as well as the criminal laws of the state of Minnesota are violated. The goal of this policy is to create a community free of sexual assault...."


Hundreds of substances may be used to incapacitate another person. The most common substances used as date rape drugs are:

~~ Ketamine, an anesthetic which produces a dissociative mental state, loss of motor control, and occasional hallucinations;
~~ GHB, (gamma hydroxybutyrate), which acts on the central nervous system to elicit an alcohol-like high, loss of muscular coordination, and extreme sexual disinhibition; and
~~ Rohypnol ("roofies"), a central nervous system depressant which creates a sleepy, relaxed state and often pronounced retrograde amnesia.

Alone, any of these drugs are potentially lethal, particularly in a large dose. Since most are administered to an unwitting victim via an alcoholic beverage, the potential risk of death or serious side effect is increased.

*** The cardinal indicator of the presence of a date rape drug is the rapid ! onset of intoxication, evidenced as mental or physical impairment, that exceeds what is expected given the level of alcohol consumed. If this happens to you or someone you are with, seek medical care immediately. Call 911 and Security Services ext. 4444.

It is extremely important that all students take safety measures to reduce the likelihood of being slipped such a drug. In that respect, please keep the following in mind:

- Never accept a drink from someone you don't know.

- Do not allow someone - even a friend - to bring you a drink from another room or area of a party.

- Do not take "just a taste" of someone's else's drink.

- If you choose to drink, it is safest to drink from a bottle you open yourself and to hold onto your drink at all times. If you are drinking from a cup, rest your hand over the top of it while socializing to minimize the risk of something being slipped into i! t.

- Use the buddy system. Go to the party with a! friend, leave the party with this friend, and check on the safety of this friend if you "lose" him or her during the course of the evening.

- Identify a friend among the group who serves as the sober "designated thinker" for the evening who will be better able both to identify a possible problem, and to take appropriate action to assist a student in distress.

- If you see someone who is clearly incapacitated, do not leave him or her or allow him or her to be taken to a dorm or other locale by other individuals. This could set the individual up for an assault and decreases the likelihood of them receiving medical care.

Possession, use, sale, or distribution of such drugs on campus is illegal and punishable by fines and jail terms. Additionally, any Carleton student who is found to be selling, distributing, or "slipping' these drugs into other people's beverages will be subject to expulsion from the College."


Hudlin Wagner
! Dean of Students

Cathy Carlson
Director of The Wellness Center

Wayne Eisenhuth
Director of Security

Quelle: http://alt153.blog.de/
(Der dem Blog eines meiner besten Freunde, Deutscher Journalist derzeit als Dozent für "German Language" an ein Amerikanische College... sehr empfehlenswert (besonders für nen Blog)

Mit dem Schmerz in ihrer Seele haben sich zu viele profiliert
25.10.2006 19:10 North ist offline E-Mail an North senden Homepage von North Beiträge von North suchen Nehmen Sie North in Ihre Freundesliste auf
wonderwoman wonderwoman ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 03.10.2006

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Die Schüler könnten ihre Partys zurückhaben, wenn sie sicherstellen, dass nur noch keusch getanzt wird.

achje... großes Grinsen
das sind vielleicht sorgen.

yes, we're ready!
26.10.2006 16:02 wonderwoman ist offline Beiträge von wonderwoman suchen Nehmen Sie wonderwoman in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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das beste board der welt » DAS LEBEN, DAS UNIVERSUM UND DER GANZE REST » HATE » Party-Verbot an Amerikas Schulen

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